Thales Corrêa’s episodic series, Doggy Bank, is a modern Latin-American adaptation of Quincas Borba by Brazilian author Machado de Assis. Uber driver Rubian (Thales Corrêa) grinds it out, trying to make it to the next day. After a particularly problematic ride, Rubian receives a mysterious call regarding his half-sister, Prana (Andrea Flowers), to pick her up. He soon arrives at the mansion of the rich and very old philosopher Borba (Anthony Moore), who has been acting as Prana’s sugar daddy for quite some time.
Taking place during a pandemic (pretty sure they’re talking about COVID), Prana has been pretending to be sick so Rubian can take her away. Before she can finish packing her bags, Prana dies of said global virus. Because Rubian and Borba have been exposed to the virus, Borba’s concierge physician, Amin (Sanjay Nambiar), insists that the two must quarantine at the mansion for a week. Thus begins the pair’s wacky adventure together.